If you work in a small or large company, chances are you maintain different symbol libraries and standards for various projects or clients along with different groups in the company that might work on different discipline-specific parts of a project.įigure 2. Example of multiple custom shortcuts Shortcuts can be used to manage standards used for a specific project, client, or even general industry/discipline (see Figure 2).
While true, the shortcuts used to start AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT work as expected, they could be doing more for you and your company. The default AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT shortcuts work great, right? So why consider changing something that appears to be working just fine after all, when the default shortcuts are used the application starts and it loads with the stated language. Default properties of the AutoCAD 2018 – English shortcut Why Customize the AutoCAD or AutoCAD LT Application Shortcut Figure 1 shows the default property values of the AutoCAD 2018 – English shortcut.įigure 1. Uniform Resource Location (URL) in the system default web browserīy default, when the application shortcut is created, the shortcut is assigned not only the name and location of the application to start but is also assigned some additional properties.Document or file in its associated application.In addition to starting an application, a shortcut can be used to open a:
Shortcuts are the most common way to start an AutoCAD-based or AutoCAD LT product, whether from the Windows Desktop or Start Menu/Screen. While every company is different and has exceptions to the rules, customizing your desktop shortcuts can be a simple way to increase basic productivity. In looking at the first step in basic AutoCAD customization, creating custom shortcuts can simplify your daily setup process by combining multiple steps into a single operation that you are already accustom to performing. By using custom shortcuts, not only can you start the application in a state that you can begin working right away, but you also eliminate any potential human error out of the process.įrom my experience, many companies tend to find themselves creating one shortcut per client or discipline to reduce setup time and potential errors.